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Regenerative Futures


Marc Buckley

Marc Buckley returns to The Futurists with Brett King talking his return to Davos with Alohas Regenerative Futures in his role as a resident futurist with the United Nations Climate Change Global Innovation Hub and World Economic Forum advising on global sustainable development goals. Buckley maintains we can build a better future if we are clear about our goals and visions of the future, and that a regenerative future is very possible with the tech that is available today. When Marc speaks about this you get a clear sense of urgency, and he talks about the impact of ongoing extreme weather events like the LA wildfires also.


Extreme Weather Edition


Robert Tercek & Brett King

This week The Futurists examine the much-ballyhooed claims that extreme weather events are growing more intense and more frequent. Surprise! It’s not what you think. Brett and Rob unpack the economic impact of extreme weather, the growing perception of risk, and the political gridlock that thwarts practical proactive measures. Topics include: FEMA, Hurricane Milton, Hurricane Helene, how the insurance companies cope with the increase in damages and losses, and the broader societal and political impact of extreme weather events.